This Colorful New Toonie Might Show Up In Your Pocket This Summer

The Royal Canadian Mint is releasing a new $2 commemorative circulation coin on Wednesday, June 21, in honor of National Indigenous Peoples Day.
According to the Mint, this is the first time that three different artists have collaborated on a single reverse (tails) design for a Canadian circulation coin. Megan Currie from English River First Nation, Myrna Pokiak (Agnaviak) from Inuvialuit Settlement Region, and Jennine Krauchi from Red River Métis represent the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities in Canada.
It is not the first time that the First Nations are featured on an official denomination. In addition to the new $2 commemorative circulation coin released in honor of National Indigenous Peoples Day, First Nations are also featured on other Canadian denominations. The Royal Canadian Mint has a history of showcasing Indigenous culture and heritage through its coin designs. For instance, the eagle and feathers on the iconic Canadian $10 represents the First Nations. These initiatives not only celebrate Indigenous culture but also promote awareness and appreciation among Canadians for the diverse heritage of the land they inhabit.
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The Two Versions Of This New $2 Coin

The coin comes in both a colored and an uncolored version. The colored version is vibrant green with pops of red and orange, making it easily recognizable in your change. To learn more about the inspiration behind the design, visit the Mint’s website.
Natan Obed, president of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, congratulated the artists for leaving a lasting impact on Canadian history. He expressed that although the coin is small in size, it will have an immeasurable impact on Indigenous Peoples and all Canadians.
“Since 1996, National Indigenous Peoples Day has been an opportunity to celebrate First Nations, Inuit, and Métis people,” said The Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance. “Our government is proud to honour the history, art, traditions, and cultures of Indigenous Peoples as we continue walking the path of reconciliation together.”
How Can I Get The National Indigenous Peoples Day Edition Canadian Toonie?
If you’re interested in collecting the coin, there are two ways to obtain it. The first is through regular circulation as banks and businesses replenish their inventories of toonies. However, if you can’t wait, you can also purchase the colored and uncolored National Indigenous Peoples Day commemorative coins as part of a six-piece Collector Keepsake coin set or opt for other collector products, including special wrap rolls of 25 two-dollar circulation coins (colored and uncolored), a special wrap roll set, and a 1 oz. fine silver version of the circulation coin design.
To order these collectibles, you can contact the Mint at 1-800-267-1871 or make an online purchase through their website. The collectibles are also available at the Royal Canadian Mint’s boutique in Winnipeg and through their network of dealers and distributors, including participating Canada Post outlets.
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