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a canadian in jeans with empty pockets, representing the debt issue

Ipsos Poll: Canadians Are Less Than $200 From Hardship, Implications For The Economy And Strategies To Tackle Debt, Explained

The recent Ipsos poll conducted on behalf of MNP Ltd. paints a worrisome picture of the financial health of Canadian households. With more than half of Canadians indicating that they are only $200 or less away from not being able to make ends meet, the implications for the economy are far-reaching. This article delves into…

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Elderly BC person on welfare taking glasses out of her purse

How Much Is Welfare In BC?

Welfare, also known as social assistance, is a government-funded program that provides financial support to individuals and families in need. In British Columbia (BC), welfare is administered by the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction and is intended to provide a basic level of financial assistance to those who are unable to support themselves.…

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Red gift boxes on white background

The Climate Action Incentive Program

The Climate Action Incentive Program is a Canadian federal government program that provides funding to eligible households and businesses. It exists in provinces and territories that have adopted the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change. The funding helps offset the increased costs of complying with the carbon pricing system. That system was implemented…

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