What Does Civic Number Mean?

As a Canadian, you may be familiar with the concept of a civic number. This is also known as a street number or house number. It is the number portion of your address. Civic numbers are used to identify the location of a building on a street. But have you ever stopped to wonder where this system came from and what it means?
The use of civic numbers dates back to ancient civilizations. They were then used to identify and organize buildings in cities. In Canada, the use of civic numbers became more standardized in the 19th century. This was at a time where cities began to grow and develop.
Civic numbers are assigned by local governments and are used to help emergency services, delivery drivers, and other individuals locate a specific building or address. They are typically displayed on the front of a building.
In Canada, civic numbers are assigned based on the location of the building on the street. For example, buildings on the north side of the street will have odd-numbered civic numbers, while buildings on the south side of the street will have even-numbered civic numbers. This system allows for easy identification and organization of buildings on a street.
Who Uses Civic Numbers?
Civic numbers are also used to calculate property tax. They are used to determine the value of a property and the amount of tax that should be paid.
It’s important to note that civic numbers are not the same as postal codes. Postal codes are used by Canada Post to help sort and deliver mail, while civic numbers are used to identify the physical location of a building.
In some cases, buildings may not have a civic number, such as in rural areas where houses are spaced farther apart. In these cases, a rural route or box number may be used instead.
Overall, civic numbers play a crucial role in helping to identify and organize buildings in Canada. They are used by a variety of individuals and organizations, including emergency services, delivery drivers, and local governments, to help locate and identify specific addresses. So next time you see a civic number displayed on a building, you’ll know a little bit more about its significance and purpose.