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2 retirees holding hands

What Is A RRIF?

Are you a Canadian looking to secure your financial future? If so, you may have heard about something called a RRIF, or a Registered Retirement Income Fund. But what exactly is a RRIF, and how can it benefit you? First things first, let's start by defining a RRIF. Simply put, a RRIF is a type…

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an investor distressed in front of his laptop because he made a mistake

11 Common Mistakes Investors Make

There are a number of Cognitive biases that lead investors to make the same mistakes: Confirmation bias: A tendency to seek out information that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses. Anchoring: A tendency to give too much weight to the first piece of information encountered (the "anchor") when making decisions. Herding: A tendency to follow…

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