Your financial goals will help you determine what type of investment is right for you. For example, if you are saving for retirement, you may want to invest in a retirement account such as a RRSP. This also helps if you are trying to save for a down payment on a house, because a RRSP…
Personal Finance
Table of Contents The Different Types Of InsuranceLife Insurance Health Insurance Car Insurance Home Insurance How To Choose The Right InsuranceAssess Your Insurance Needs Compare Different Insurance Policies Look For Discounts Read The Fine Print Consider The Insurer's Financial Stability Choose A Reputable Insurance Agent Or Broker How Much Life Insurance Do I…
As a Canadian, you have many options when it comes to managing your finances and making investments. But with so many choices, it can be difficult to know which path to take. One common question that many Canadians face is whether to use a financial planner or an investment adviser.
A financial planner is a…
When you leave your employer in Canada, one of the things you may be wondering about is what happens to your employee pension plan. This is an important consideration, as your pension plan may provide a significant source of income during your retirement years.
The rules and regulations governing employee pension plans in Canada vary.…
Estate planning is a crucial step in ensuring that your assets are distributed according to your wishes after you pass away. Unfortunately, many people make costly mistakes when it comes to estate planning in Canada. At Clever Banker, we like to write about costly mistakes others have made to help you learn from them (read…
Table of Contents The Different Types Of InsuranceLife Insurance Health Insurance Car Insurance Home Insurance How To Choose The Right InsuranceAssess Your Insurance Needs Compare Different Insurance Policies Look For Discounts Read The Fine Print Consider The Insurer's Financial Stability Choose A Reputable Insurance Agent Or Broker How Much Life Insurance Do I…
It's a common question many people face: should I pay off my debt or invest my money? The answer isn't always straightforward, and it ultimately depends on your individual financial situation. In this blog post, we'll explore the pros and cons of both paying off debt and investing. We will also provide some guidance on…
You may be wondering if an email you recently received about a class action payment is fraudulent or not. Something looking like this:
What Does CRT Class Action Mean?
A cathode ray tube (CRT) is a type of electrical device that is commonly used in televisions and computer monitors.…
Withholding taxes on RRSPs may come as a surprise to some. Let’s start by covering the basics of what an RRSP is.
A Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) is an investment account to save for retirement. It allows Canadians to earn tax-deferred savings on income and investments, which can help reduce the amount of taxes…
There are 25 loonies in a roll.
Here are other answers to questions you might have about the roll of loonies:
What Is A Canadian Loonie?
A Canadian loonie is a coin worth one dollar. The loonie gets its name from the bird on the coin.
How Much Is A Roll Of Loonies?
A roll…